
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Want to be level headed?

Want to be level headed?
Guys - when you have time - try reading 7 habits of Higly Effective people- by Steven Covey.

Steven Covey wrote about Character, how until the 1920' character was a major part of schooling, then it became personality. Bennett has a new best seller on Virtue - he says it is not a singular religion or national idea but universal attributes supported in all cultures at all times;such as family, loyalty, work, honesty, sincerity, kindnessand concern for others, respect, discipline, and orderlymind and a healthy body. These virtues are clearly relatedto quality. Start working/thinking on this quality than just working on your personality..

Don't know, for some reason - I used to feel somewhat like ...pic explains better! I am getting answers to them in this steven covey's book ...
Hope - Someday, I will be able to show the real Devil Inside :p